
Safety and efficacy of surgical treatments for axillary osmidrosis: a retrospective cohort study comparing conventional open excision with cartilage-shaver closed curettage

Figure 1. Closed-curettage surgery using the suction-assisted cartilage shaver system. A: the shaver is composed of an outer cannula with grid (left) and serrated inner cannula (right); B: the operating area is hair-bearing skin with a 5-mm margin; C: following subdermal undermining, the shaver is inserted from the edge of the marked region; D: the axillary skin is so thin that the shaver can be seen through the skin; E: the wound is closed with nylon sutures after insertion of a drainage tube, and two quilting sutures were made in this case; F: ten-month postoperative photograph. Note that axillary hair appears to have been almost permanently removed

Plastic and Aesthetic Research
ISSN 2349-6150 (Online)   2347-9264 (Print)


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